Who We Are

We’re people who practice the ways of Jesus by doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God.

“He has told you, mortal one, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you
But to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”

- Micah 6:8

Practicing the Way of Jesus, together.

  • Do Justice

    When we think of justice, our minds tend to go towards punishment and correction. The bible offers a different view on what Justice means.

    We believe Jesus invites us into a more restorative idea of justice, one were we go out of our way to find ways to restore broken systems, relationships, and circumstances.

  • Love Mercy

    The word translated to mercy in Micah 6:8 relates to a heart full of generous love, like we see in Jesus’ story about a “Good Samaritan”.

    We believe Jesus invites us to live our lives with radical generosity, open handed, and ready to be a neighbor to anyone who is in need.

  • Walk Humbly with God

    We don’t just follow Jesus in the big decisions of our life, but in the small “steps” we take when we walk with Him. It’s like a dance, where God is leading, and we’re following His guide, step by step.

    This influences us to humbly live our lives, valuing others above ourselves.

Our Values

Meet the Team

  • Chris Johnson

    Lead Pastor

  • Antonio Toney

    Creative Pastor

  • Jonai Wallace

    Kids Ministry Director

  • Jordyn Ward

    Music Director